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A member registered Jul 03, 2022

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i absolutely love it. there is a glitch where all the writing disappears, but otherwise it is a really perfect game

(1 edit)

I  honestly really like this. I didn't understand it at first, but once i got the hang of it it became a really fun game to play in my spare time. The demo feels really full, and it has more content than other demos I've tried. The gameplay is also very intuitive and somewhat simple. You just need to  move and shoot. And my favorite part, the graphics are absolutely beautiful for a game with a pixel art style. Definitely worth trying. Also, a tip for new players that I only found out later on in the game: when you kill enemies, you will only  gain level progression if you pick up the little dot that drops after you defeat them. You will automatically pick this up if you are close enough. Also, you don't have to shoot all the time. You move much slower while shooting.

i cant wait to play this it looks like  a dream game to me